Madisonville CISD Athletics

Staff Directory

staff photo of Adam Borgfeld
Adam Borgfeld

Assistant Football/Track Throws

staff photo of Anthony Campbell
Anthony Campbell

Assistant Football/JH Basketball/Baseball

staff photo of Leah McKay
Leah McKay

Assistant Volleyball/Head Girls Soccer

staff photo of Heath Brittain
Heath Brittain

Defensive Coordinator/Powerlifting

staff photo of Bridget Chandler
Bridget Chandler

Athletic Trainer/Sports Medicine Director

staff photo of Rusty  Nail
Rusty Nail

Athletic Director/Facility Rentals/District Wide Drug Testing

staff photo of Bryson Nail
Bryson Nail

Assistant Football/9th Basketball/Head Golf

staff photo of Tarsha Nealey
Tarsha Nealey

Assistant Basketball/Head Girls Track

staff photo of Laneique Nealey
Laneique Nealey

Head Girls Basketball/Track

staff photo of Paige Pacher
Paige Pacher

Head Softball/Asst. Volleyball

staff photo of Cameron Portwood
Cameron Portwood

Assistant Football/JV Basketball

staff photo of Cassidy Portwood
Cassidy Portwood

JH Girls BB/Asst. Softball

staff photo of Baltazar Reyes
Baltazar Reyes

Head Cross Country/Head Boys Soccer

staff photo of Catherine  Sedlacek
Catherine Sedlacek

Head Tennis

staff photo of Brad Taylor
Brad Taylor

Offensive Coordinator/Head Boys Track

staff photo of Shana Taylor
Shana Taylor

JH Girls BB/Track

staff photo of Russell  Urbantke
Russell Urbantke

Assistant Athletic Director/Head Football Coach

staff photo of Derek Watson
Derek Watson

Assistant Football/Baseball

staff photo of Jessie Smith
Jessie Smith

Athletic Facilities

staff photo of Carly Dyess
Carly Dyess

Head Volleyball/Asst. Golf

staff photo of Karly Leamon
Karly Leamon

Asst. VB, JH BB, Asst. Softball

staff photo of Melvin Williams
Melvin Williams

Head Basketball, Assistant Track

staff photo of Lisa Nealey
Lisa Nealey

JH VB, HS BB, Asst. Track

staff photo of Chelsea Thompson
Chelsea Thompson

JH VB/Asst. Girls Soccer

staff photo of Jordan Weikert
Jordan Weikert

Asst. Football/Asst. Boys Soccer

staff photo of Van Jordan
Van Jordan

Asst. Football, JH Basketball, Track Throws

staff photo of Kaislyn Lyons
Kaislyn Lyons

Assistant Tennis Fall/Spring

staff photo of Jacob McMurtry
Jacob McMurtry

Head Baseball, Asst. Football